Accommodation Options
In general, accomodation in Kingston in the middle of the summer is scarce, as the
tourists are here en masse. You are advised to book early.
Low-Cost |
Accomodation is available through Queen's University Residences. These rooms provide
low cost, basic accomodation. Rooms are located at Victoria Hall, on main campus,
about 1 1/2 km from the transition zone. These are residence style rooms, with a shared bathroom.
2008 Rates:
- $45.00 + tax, per single room ( 1 single bed) = 1 person per room
- $60.00 + tax, per double room ( 2 single beds) = 2 people per room
Contact 613 533-2223, or [email protected] for reservations,
or book online
http://eventservices.queensu.ca/4/bookon-line.asp under individuals and small groups.
Other Kingston Information |
You can get a list of
places to go in Kingston at http://www.city.kingston.on.ca/visitors/city-info.asp.